The breeze brought everyone back to shore and race got canceled on day one of ‘A Cat Worlds’. The weather forecast and the briefing till morning 9 AM claimed that there would be no weather obstructions around the sea and the shore. Hence, the race was declared to be held at 12 noon. Initially, they decided to race both the series using the same course, which later changed by ‘The Race Committee and decided to race on 2 different courses one for Foiling division or Open division, and the other for Classic division.

As the time of race came near all the participants started their final check, with 2 sets of officers, mark layers and officials on 2 separate courses. When ‘On Station’ flag was hoisted competitors were ready and came to heel. And the wind was flowing at the rate of 14 knots, and since the open course was nearer to the beach launch area, they had 2 min. to start sequence. But then suddenly the wind speed increased from 14kts to 26kts, and by that time the official media boat was in the middle of the course. Classics didn’t even hoist their ‘On Station’ flag by the time breeze hit the sea and shore. Immediately, as the wind hit, the race officials hoisted ‘AP’ flag to warn everyone and send them back to the Station. The officers in official media boat ahead of everyone at the center of the course and missed few radio calls. Later, they realized that the ‘Go Home Fast’ order was passed on and everyone was heading back to the Station. Where everyone was battling to reach the shore, Andrew Landenberger seemed in control.
The best part of this whole event was that; nobody was hurt, and everyone reached the Station safely. Although Piet Saarburg’s boat was damaged due to the collision, the mast is broken and he lost his starboard bow. As the result of this event, day one had blank round and ‘The Race Committee’ had decided to schedule 3 races with early timings
the very next day.